Category: Tall Stories

Tall Stories

Hi and welcome to Tall Stories, I intend this to be a load of rubbish about my life, times and misfortunes, from my arrival on planet earth as an annoying little bastard that cried...

Hard at work

Well folks we’ve got the CD’s and we’ve been practicing our little bums off, it’s sounding great, looking forward to givingĀ  the songs a bash on Fri at the Junction, yeha on the road...

The Big Day Off

Yes it was a fun filled day, had to get wof for the car, got busted on the way home from band prac last night, but no fine owing to my winning good looks...

Anzac Day

After getting up at 5am yesterday morning to go to the Anzac dawn parade at the museum, something that always gives me goose bumps, i get the news that we have pretty much got...